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November 12, 2020
Release of the bears is always sad and worrying moment. What their future will be like? Would they be lucky to use their chance for living in the forest?

The release of Karel and Kuzya was especially sad for our team. Two brothers were delivered to OBRC very small, practically newborn and very helpless. In few days the baby bears became worse – pneumonia….

Thanks to the therapy, Karel quickly recovered, and on the third day, it became clear that this baby bear became better and would live!

For Kuzya, the forecast was completely disappointing - there was practically no chance that the bear would survive... Five days, which seemed to us like an eternity, we were fighting for his life, five days there was no positive dynamics excluding rare short moments when the bear was getting a little better, but after that another deterioration - the baby's condition did not leave any chance of recovery...

It looks like it was just yesterday. But we won! All the difficulties are over and now it's time to say "goodbye", releasing the cubs into adulthood...

Kuzya, Karel, we fought for your life and defeated a terrible disease. Now it is your turn to fight for your free life in the forest, which, we very hope, will be long and calm. And in a few years you will have your own cubs, to whom we really wish not to repeat the fate of their fathers!

Karel and Kuzya were released September 9. By that time they both gained a vary good weght: Karel - 34 kg, Kuzya - 36 kg.
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