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January 23, 2020
Bear cubs from Karelia Kuzya and Karel are recovering
Unfortunately, our assumptions concerning the development of pneumonia in cubs from Karelia, which we named Karel and Kuzya, were confirmed.
They arrived to OBRC at the very small age – only about 7-9 days, they weighed a little over 700 g. At first, Kuzya was active and had a good appetite, but Karel refused to eat.
But just in two days the situation changed radically: Karel began to eat actively and gain weight, and the condition of Kuzya began to deteriorate rapidly - pneumonia ...
In just a few hours, from a lively, very active and loudly screaming teddy bear, Kuzya turned into a barely moving tiny body with practically no signs of life ...
We immediately, together with the wild animal veterinarians from the Wild Nature Hospital @Wildnaturehospital, who have been supervising our cubs for more than 15 years, prescribe treatment if necessary and even operate (there was such a case), began treatment with antibiotics and symptomatic medicines, constantly monitoring the baby bear and his condition.
Five days of continuous monitoring and treatment: during this time, Kuzya became a little better, then he felt into an even more critical condition, which did not give any hope for a successful outcome.
But five days after the start of the fight for the baby's life, Kuzya began to recover gradually. Now the little bear eats well, is active, and slowly gains weight. But the treatment is still ongoing ...
Unfortunately, the disease did not passed by the second teddy bear - Karel. At the first alarming symptoms, we began also to treat the cub. Fortunately, Karel was much easier to suffer from the disease and faster than Kuzya became better. Today, his treatment is over. The bear cub is cheerful and active, eats and gains weight very well.
We hope that in the nearest future we will return to you with the good news about the final recovery of Kuzya ...
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