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April 09, 2019
THREE SISTERS FROM ARKHANGELSK OBLAST (15 orphaned bear cubs in total!)
On March 31, we received a call from Arkhangelsk Oblast. A state gamekeeper informed us of three baby bears abandoned by their mother who was frightened away from her den by loggers. Upon hearing this news, the gamekeeper immediately started searching for the den, found the cubs that had been left alone for as long as a whole day, and thereafter connected with us. After all the necessary paperwork had been completed, the foundlings set off on a long journey of 1,500 km and arrived to out center on April 4.
The cubs, though apparently healthy, were underweight, each being not heavier than 3 kg.
On arrival, the little bears refused to eat, by that time having fasted already for three days. We offered them milk every two hours, albeit in vain. Next day, little by little, three sisters startedlapping milk, and during the following three days they were given small portions every three hours. After this period, the cubs became more active and were seen playing with each other, which showed improvement in their condition.
After several days, the sisters were introduced to Savva, Seva, Misha, and Masha. Even being so young, baby bears are already reluctant to accept newcomers to the group. We feared possible fights between the cubs, which could result in injuries for the underweight sisters. However, the reality was exactly the opposite: three little bears set their own rules early on, not giving any break to the older animals.
Now, Lenka, Tora, and Soiga (all named after the rivers in Arkhangelsk Oblast) eat much better and will soon be switched from milk to thin semolina porridge, like other cubs.
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