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March 02, 2019
New 3 bear cubs, and again from Pskov region
24 of February we received an urgent call – dogs frightened away a bear mom from the den and 3 cubs were left inside – two males and a female.
Looking at prints it was discovered that close to the female' den a yearling cub was sleeping in his own den (a cub of female born last year). This cub as his mother left their dens and escaped. We are sure with both of them nothing will happened. We delivered 3 bear cubs to OBRC at 26 of February. We will raise cubs and return them back into the forest.
Small cubs already began to drink the milk formula, however we still worry about their condition – they were staying in cold den more than 2 days without food . People did not take away the cubs hoping the female would come back. Bear cubs are lucky that they survived because of the warm weather, and because there were 3 of them and it helped to warm each other.
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