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August 12, 2018
Manya and Michel
Sometimes we find bear cubs in the woods rather than in a den. It happens when a mother bear has already left her den and spent some time in the forest together with her cubs, and that was the case with Manya and Michel.
Manya was found on May 10 on the road in Starorussky District of Novgorod Region. Her condition was very poor; she weighed only 3.5 kg, which was an extremely low weight. On the next day, Manya was brought to the Center. During the initial period, she was fed with warm milk formula, and quite soon Manya was getting better and started to gain weight.
Michel's journey to the Center was rather long and difficult. This female bear cub was admitted to the Center on June 15. She arrived from Zapolyarny District of Nenets Autonomous Okrug.
A female bear with her two cubs approached a herd of deer, and the herders decided to scare the wild animals away. The female and one of her offspring escaped, but the second cub, Michel, was left behind. Reindeer herders brought the cub to their village, and after some time Michel was taken on a helicopter to the Nenets State Nature Reserve. From Narian-Mar Michel was transported by plane to Moscow where she was met by the staff of the Center.
Since the two cubs needed high energy nutrition, they were at first kept in a cage set up in the forest. Later, both females were moved to a spacious enclosure. Manya and Michel became friends right away and stayed together during the entire rehabilitation period. When the cubs gain enough weight and get stronger, they will be released into the wild.