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October 30, 2018
Chudo (Miracle)
On September 4, the Center was informed about a bear cub born in 2018, which was wandering around a settlement located in Chudovsky District of Novgorod Region. A local game keeper caught the cub and on the next day the little bear arrived at the Center.

The cub that turned out to be female was named Chudo (after the name of the place where she was found). Despite abundant food that could be found in the forest in that time, Chudo was emaciated – she weighed only 15 kg. We fed the young female bear three times a day, offering her milk, porridge, apples, and acorns. And it worked: as soon as in a month, Chudo's weight reached 25 kg!

In October, the female was examined by veterinarians who were satisfied with her condition. However, we decided that Chudo should stay in our enclosure where she could safely winter in safe environment. Next spring she will be released into the wild in the forest area where she was found.
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