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January 14, 2020
First Bears 2020
On January 10, we received a call from the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Republic of Karelia with information about a female bear, frightened off by the sounds of logging, and cubs left orphans.

At the same day we started our way to the Republic Karelia, where a representative of the Ministry handed us two cubs, as well as documents necessary for their transfer and transportation to the Center.

1600 km of the journey and last night we delivered two bear cubs to the Center. The animals are very small - they are about a week old, no more and weigh only 700 g.
Examination of the cubs showed no damage or injuries. But, as the cubs spent some time in the den without a bear, we cannot exclude the risk of developing pneumonia. There is also a high risk of problems with the digestive tract - the change of milk from the bear to the milk formula does not pass without a problem.

We are constantly monitoring the cubs and feed them every two hours. One teddy bear has a good appetite, the second teddy bear is more problematic - not every time he eats well.

Let's hope the cubs survive and grow and develop without any health problems.
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