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January 20, 2020
Vologda teddy bear started to eat!
Soon after the delivery 2 bear cubs from the Vologda region to OBRC, the health of the female cub (large white spots) caused us concern. After consultation with specialists - veterinarians from, a decision was made to start the treatment immediate.

The therapy started in time helped to stop the development of the disease and the teddy bear began to eat and gain weight. We hope that the female's health problems are behind, but we continue to monitor.
The bear cubs from the Vologda region weigh about 1.5 kg. But their eyes and ears are still closed. The cubs are about three weeks old. As soon as their eyes open - it will be possible to more accurately define their age.

For the bear cubs the main task now is to eat as much as possible and sleep as long as possible, and they successfully reaching this goal! And considering how they are sleeping, the baby bears clearly have something to dream about!
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