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November 07, 2020
lazy bears
August – September – it is a very serious stage in the brown bear life. During this period, the animals need to gain for successful wintering as much fat as possible, and at the same time to spend the minimum of energy.
At this footage, which we made at the end of August, you can see that the bears are not so active, as they used to be in the beginning of August, or even in the mid of this month. They have the same task, as the bears in the nature – to eat as much nutrition food as possible. Let us remind you – for our bears it is oat and apples.
But if the bear cubs hear some unknown sounds, even being for the first view so slowly animals, the bear cubs immediately rut away or hide climbing the trees. And this is the way how must behave young bear in the nature in case of urgency to escape the danger and to save his life.
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