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October 18, 2020
Puzha is healthy, she has no pathologies and problems with the physical development, all tests are ok
For sure we worry about Puzha' health. In the end of August all the cubs including Puzha were examined by veterinarians, the specialists took the samples for tests, and vaccinated the cubs for rabies and treated them against endo- and ectoparasites.

Of course, the veterinarians paid special attention to Puzha and after thoroughly examining of the bear cub made the conclusion – Puzha is healthy, she has no pathologies and problems with the physical development, all tests are ok. This bear has such constitution, that is why she is small. It could be a result of different reasons – Puzha could have been the smallest cub in the large litter of female, or she was the first cub of the young female.

Puzha weighted only 4 kg when she was delivered to OBRC in May, when our cubs weighted over 10 kg. By the end of August she was already 15 kg, and now she weights even more.

But anyway, Puzha is still a very small cub, and of course we worry how she will hibernate. Based on our practice the weight of the cub necessary for surviving during winter must be not less than 20 kg, and better – over 25 kg. And we decided to leave Puzha for wintering in OBRC.

We will continue to supply the small female with natural food till the beginning of hibernation and will monitor her behavior during the den-construction period and for sure will share it with you!
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