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September 15, 2020
Puzha and red berries
Puzha spends most of the time together with all the cubs
Puzha, like all the other cubs, gladly accepted our present - bright red clusters of such delicious and healthy rowan.

Taking into account the peculiarities of the existing relationship between Puzha and the rest of the cubs,
we spread rowan, like all other "bear gifts", separately - for the main group of bears and for Puzha.

In this video, Puzha periodically looks away - it is there at the same time Karel and Kuzya, Black, Moisey, Nelushka, Lala, Leha and Mirny are feeding. Thus, Puzha keeps the situation "under control".

Running a little ahead, we will tell you - now Puzha spends most of the time with all the cubs - walks around the enclosure, feeds, and even eats porridge from the same pile with her relatives!
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