You can now make donations using the CloudPayments service. Please note that you can set up a monthly donation by checking the "Donate monthly" box of the donation form.

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August 14, 2020
The cubs are growing up in accordance with their age, have a good appetite, play actively and sleep like babies!
Not so long the cubs were such small and clumsy teddy bears! Thanks to YOUR help and support, the cubs are growing up in accordance with their age, have a good appetite, play actively and sleep like babies!

GREAT THANKS TO YOU ALL who follows the fate of the 18 cubs left without a mother and, fortunately, got into our Center. Together with YOU we will help them to return into the wild!
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You can now make donations using the CloudPayments service. Please note that you can set up a monthly donation by checking the "Donate monthly" box of the donation form.

To cancel monthly donations, follow the link or e-mail to