The amount of our readers is growing and we are happy about it and we are grateful to you for the informational support!
Dear friends, we are glad to present you our Orphan Bear Rescue Center – the only place in our country where specialists every year rare and return into the wild the bear cubs of the brown bear, became orphaned.
Orphan bear cubs could not survive on their own as they are tiny and helpless, weighing only about 500 grams and need 24 hour care. Our work is to save and rehabilitate them and give the bear cubs the best chance of survival in the wild.
For 24 years of work we have saved and returned to the wild 246 cubs. Our bears live in the forests of 18 regions of Russia, including Bryansk forests, where the population of bears was on the verge of extinction.
Our work aimed at saving the orphan bear cubs became possible due to the compassionate people! Due to your support we will give the bear cubs a chance to live the real life of a wild bear in the nature!
At this video there are the bear cubs from the Senior Group: Danya and Dasha, Venya and Vesta, Masha and Nelushka, Baloo, Buyan and Bonhya. How incredibly the cubs changed! ????