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June 05, 2020
Saving the orphan bear cubs became possible thanks to the support of all compassionate people - we thank YOU!
he spring forest (the shoot was made in May) is incredibly beautiful - fresh green leaves, small islands of the snow, the singing of birds and …. The Baby Bear Team-2020!

Watch the video with the sound ! Hope we managed to make you feel like being in the forest, and the eating and playing bear cubs make you smiling!
The rearing and raising the cubs became possible thanks to the support ofall compassionate people. We appreciate your participation in the life of the Baby Bear Team-2020. We thank you for your warm words and wishes, which are so important and heart touching!

We thank you for the financial and information support, which is necessary to continue raising the bear cubs and to return them into the wild!

Thank your for following and reading us! We are happy to receive your comments!

We hope that every time you watch our video the baby bears make you smile!

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You can now make donations using the CloudPayments service. Please note that you can set up a monthly donation by checking the "Donate monthly" box of the donation form.

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