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July 09, 2020
puzha - small bear cub from the komi republic
If there is a chance, that Puzha will join the Younger Group?
Puzha: young female bear from the Komi Republic, delivered to our Center at the end of May.

At the beginning of June we joined Puzha with the Younger Group hoping, that she get used among the other bear cubs, and the cubs would accept the newcomer.

Unfortunately it did not happened: the cubs did not accept each other – Karel and Kuzya, Moisey, Nelushka, lala, Lyoha and Mirnyi are keeping in the group, regularly visiting the place, where Puzha is located.

As for Puzha – she still is keeping in a distance and spends the time alone, rare coming to the farthest portion of porridge while we feed the cubs. We still feed her separately putting the porridge under the trees, where she spends the most time, and she eats the porridge with the pleasure.

But the things are not so bad as could seems to be – Puzha is not only hiding on the trees, but also playing and even swimming! But any way if she hears some unknown sounds she rapidly climbs the high trees and is seating there.

If there is a chance, that she will join the Younger Group? There is always a chance, the time will show!
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