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April 2, 2021
Carelian bear cubs - pneumonia...
First 7-10 days after arrival of bear cubs to OBRC every time are very worrying. Especially it concerns so small bear cubs, who are being delivered to OBRC at the age from birth to three - four months. This is the period, when problems with their health caused by hypothermia, stress, trauma, etc., can rapidly develop.

Unfortunately, this is exactly what happened with the Karelian bear cubs (Mikly, Savva and Severina): lack of appetite, refusal to eat, shortness of breath, lethargy, and weakness. Mikli's condition worsened very fast: unfortunately, it was not possible to save him ...
Together with the @wildnaturehospital we continue to fight for the lives of Savva and Severina: X-ray, ultrasound diagnostics, intensive care, feeding from syringes every 2-3 hours, 24-hours monitoring ...

The Kirov bear cubs (Bantik, Ostap and Tisha), fortunately, feel good – they have good appetite, gain the weight and play with each other.
Thank you all for participating in the fate of the cubs
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