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December 13, 2020
Puzha and her den
December 13 – is the Day of the symbol of our country, a powerful, smart and handsome animal – the BEAR! And today we want to show you how Puяzha was preparing for wintering. Unfortunately, Internet was not working yesterday, so we share with you the footage of Puzha today.

Puzha is not the first bear cub, who was left for wintering in OBRC. That's why there is already prepared den, built by several "generations" of the bear cubs. And in this den bear cub Chudo successfully wintered several years ago. We supposed that Puzha would use this den. And Puzha confirmed our suggestions – from time to time she came to the den and even entered it.

We decided to assist Puzha to organize her winter shelter, and while she was away at the another enclosure corner, we brought "building material" - spruce branches, fern, dry leaves, and began to wait, constantly watching the den from afar. But during few days Puzha appeared there only a few times. And we suggested that probably young female found another place for the den. We saw it, removed our observation point to another place and started to watch the den every day changing each other every several hours.
Puzha found a proper place for den – under the fallen tree roots. Puzha actively started to build the den pulling out sand during 2-3 days. Once the deep of the den became optimum, she started to scrabble forest litter using everything she could find. Puzha rare and rare went far from the den – she was organizing the den or was laying inside and did not go out for several hours. To be continued!

We congratulate all of you with the Bear Day! We wish you the bearish health, luck, and wealth! We wish all bear cubs never apart with their moms before the proper time, we wish Puzha to winter successfully, and to bear cubs, who lost their moms and delivered to OBRC, calm independent life in the forest. The wild life must stay wild!
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