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March 20, 2021
March 16 we received the request from the Karelia Ministry of natural resources and ecology to take orphaned bear cubs from their region. During the logging in Sortavala region the female bear was scared from the den. She was suffering for long, but when the tree fail on the den she eventually escaped and left bear cubs inside. In a while the workers saw the bear cubs near the den and contacted the Ministry of natural resources. Specialists from the Ministry advised to take the bear cubs as soon as possible and put them in warm place, and at the same time we started to discuss the bear cubs delivery to OBRC.
March 17 we started our journey to Sortavala (Karelia) and March 18 after fulfilling documents we took the bear cubs and delivered them to OBRC.

The examination of the cubs showed that there are two males and a female. We named them: Mikly, Savva and Severina.

The triplet from Karelia is already eating from bowls. Mikly and Savva have a very good appetite, as for Severina – she demonstrates her character and periodically refuses to eat. But during next feeding she eats well.
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