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Jaunary 10, 2021
Puzha and her den. Part 2.
In the beginning of November Puzha started to look the proper place for hibernating. At first she choose the den, which was built by several "generations" of the bear cubs. But in few days we discovered that she decided to build the new one under the fallen tree roots. During for several days Puzha actively building the den pulling out sand, and once the deep of the den became optimum, she started to scrabble forest litter using everything she could find. Puzha rare and rare went far from the den – she was organizing the den or was laying inside and did not go out for several hours.

But still from time to time Puzha disappeared in the forest, probably she was still eating apples or roots. At one of this moment when she was away we brought building material to this den hoping she would use it. And we were right – when she came back from the "walk" and saw our "present", Puzha started actively using it for organizing her "bear bedroom".Puzha rare and rare went far from the den – she was organizing the den or was laying inside and did not go out for several hours.
Since November 7 Puzha less and less time was spending out of the den. November 9 small female appeared last time, scrabbled forest litter and entered the den. Since this moment we did not see her any more. We were monitoring the den during next two weeks – Puzha did not go out from the den – November 9 the young female started hibernation.


P.S. We wanted to show you as much footage of Puzha as possible, so some of the footage are shown at increased speed.
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