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April 18, 2021
The bear cubs were promptly delivered to OBRC: the director of OBRC Sergey Pazhetnov started journey towards Kostroma just in few hours after the call from the Department of natural resources of Kostroma region. And we with Vasyli stayed to care about the five bear cubs.

The female bear was frightened from the den by logging – the operator of the logging equipment saw running away bear. Human stopped the work and went to look for the den: it was made deep under the fallen tree routs, and there were three bear cubs left…

The workers, who beleived that female would come back, left the cubs and went away. After two days they came back – the bear cubs were still alone in the den: female does not come back, and the left bear cubs did not have any chance to survive… But not in this time!
The baby bears were called: Volga, Neya and Mezhack. They are wild enough and it is very good for them! But at the same time it is very DIFFICULT FOR US to feed them: several days left before the bear cubs started to eat stably.

Considering that the bear cubs spent two days in the den despite the warm weather, there is the possibility of the problems with their health. We are monitoring them thoroughly.

The other five small bears (Bantik, Tisha, Osya, Savva and Seva-Severina) feel good – they are active and growing every minute. Very soon small bears will go out from the Den-house inside the enclosure and will see the forest for the first time!
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