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January 31, 2020
Abnormal snowless winter is another reason for orphans cubs
The lack of snow this year makes the winter shelters of bears in the forest more vulnerable, especially for mother bears with cubs. We have repeatedly told that it is possible to frighten off a bear from the den even while walking in the woods with a family or a dog. In snowy winters dens are carefully hidden from the human eye, and it's more difficult to get into the forest thickets in the snow, but this year you can walk through the forest without any problems and accidentally disturb the bear.
So it happened 2 days ago: a state inspector in the field of environmental protection of the Novgorod region while the patrolling the forest area, bypassing a huge felled tree root, met a bear face to face. The bear tried to scare a person by making a couple of throws in his direction, but eventually ran away. There was a squeak in the den. The inspector decided to wait – but what if the mother bear returns to her progeny? After some time, going in direction to the den 30 m away and examining the territory with binoculars, he became convinced that there was no the mother bear. And in the den squeaked the remaining bear cub. The inspector made the only right decision: he took the baby and, holding it in his bosom, quickly got to the house, where it was warm, which is so necessary for bear babies at this age.
Mother bear, who left the den, does not return. So in this case - she did not return. Any delay, and the teddy bear could die.

Yesterday morning we started our journey and by evening the bear cub, which was given the name Moses, was delivered to the Center. The baby's health status is currently satisfactory, the appetite is good. But he is absolutely tiny - weighs only 800 g, age - a little more than two weeks.

As in previous cases, we will carefully monitor his health status: unfortunately, there could be risks.
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