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November 29, 2021
Two more bear cubs were returned into the nature in October: Mikhail Andreevich and Syumak.

We would like to remind you the stories of these bear cubs. In May we received the request for help from the Ministries of the natural resources of the Komi Republic and Arkhangelsk region: in Komi a bear cub came out to people; in the Arkhangelsk region people found a bear cub on the side of a busy highway, who was extremely emaciated. In both cases, the cubs had no chances to survive without human help. The cubs were delivered to the Center: Mikhail Andreevich – May 27, Syumak – June 8.

Both bear cubs were kept in a separate enclosure from the main group, because at the age of 4-4.5 months, the cubs have already formed strong intragroup relations, and they do not accept "newcomers" well.

During the rehabilitation Syumak and Mikhail Andreevich grew significantly, became strong and gained proper weight for successful hibernating. And every time when we came to feed them, the young bears showed their wild nature, that was very important for their life in nature.
Mikhail Andreevich and Syumak became friends during their staying at the Center. Also, both bears arrived from neighbor regions. So, when the time came to return them into the nature, we, together with specialists from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Komi Republic, decided not to separate them and release together.

The way to the release site was almost two thousand km and took us two days. The cubs endured such a long journey without any complications. But they did not leave the cages very willingly – any way the long journey affected. Syumak was the first who left the cage. Mikhail Andreevich cautiously left the cage in few minutes after Syumak. Both cubs ran away into the forest in the same direction, where they immediately found each other. The young bears, driven by a sense of fear and a reaction of avoidance of human because of our presence, immediately climbed a tall tree. We left the place as quick as possible in order not to disturb Syumak and Mikhail Andreyevich anymore.
We sincerely thank the specialists of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Komi Republic for assistance in arranging and participation in the release of Syumak and Mikhail Andreyevich.

On our way back home we visited the State Nature Reserve "Kologrivskiy les" (Kostromskaya region) and took part in the Scientific conference "The contribution of protected areas to the ecological sustainability of regions: current situation and prospects", devoted to the 15th anniversary of the Nature reserve.
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