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September 20, 2021
"How could the bear cubs survive in the forest after the release without mother-bear?" – very often we receive this question.

Valentin Pazhetnov, the founder of our Center, Doctor of Natural Science, honored environmental specialist of Russian Federation together with his wife Svetlana, as well biologist, in 70-80's carried out the research of shaping behavior of brown bear orphans separated from mother.

These researches confirmed that all types of behavior of orphan bear cubs are consistently forming by the age 6-7 months. This process is developing without imitation or learning by mother-bear, and based on the innate instincts. It was amazing brake-through as before it was considered that bear cubs learn practically everything from their mother – from climbing to the den-building behavior. For example, we managed to document how 10-month old bear cubs with frost started to build the den, showing such complicated behavior type as the den-building: they found a proper place, put out the forest garbage, deeped it, brought fir branches, gathered forest litter, and lay in the den at the same time as bears in the wild, and successfully hibernated.

And our work is based on this independent shaping of behavior types, necessary for surviving in nature.

We returned bears when they reach 8-9 month age, September – October, considering, that they are born from the end of December – during January. We advisedly fattening them up for the successful wintering and by this time our bear cubs are well fed (bigger than their fellows in the nature). The release sites we choose under the advice of regional nature and wildlife conservation specialist, who suggest the most proper places for releases – remote from the human settlements and with good forage reserves. As well these specialists carry out monitoring after the releases.

We marked bear cubs with bright yellow ear tags with identification numbers visible from afar. Over 50 bear cubs were registered due to these ear tags in different years at the age 1.5 –up to at list 11, including with the offspring.
So, for example, the specialists of the Nature State Reserve Bryanskyi Forest, where we release the bear cubs in order to restore the disappearing local population, registered not an once the bears with the ear tags, and, in particular, female bear with offspring. Due to releases of the young bear cubs, the local brown bear population was restored and till now is stable.

We use when possible radio and collar tags, battery life of which ranges from half a year – 2,5 years. It allowed us to follow the fate of the young bears up to the age 1,5 – 2,5 years. It turned to be that the young animals could cover 100 km and eve more from the release site. As well we received the data about the time of entering the den and leaving it after a successful wintering.

Cameratraps are also very important means of monitoring. So for example, on the territories, adjacent to the OBRC, we registered during 7 years the female bear Nora born 2008 – during this period she brought three offspring with three bear cubs in each.

In 2017 the specialists of the Central Forest Nature Reserve due to the cameratrap received the pictures of the released by OBRC female bear with the ear tag and with a bear cub.

Considering that bears are wary of humans, and it is nearly impossible to see a bear in natur, these data are very valuable!
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