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May 07, 2021
welcome forest, welcome sun!
In the mid of April Bantik, Tisha and Ostap, Savva and Severina, Neya, Volgushka and Mezhack moved to the den-house located in the large enclosure built in the woods. Masha, Businka and Penelopa will join them a little bit later.

And then came one of the most important moments in the life of the bear cubs – the first walking outside towards the sun rains and the forest, where small bears will run, play, climb trees, explore the surrounding forest areas, try feeding on the food that is normally consumed by their wild counterparts.
At first, till the nights will not become warm, every evening we will close the door of the den-house and open them every morning in order the cubs can independently during the day go out for a walk, or come back to their new shelter for sleeping after the lunch, or if the weather is bad. But in time, when the baby bears will become a little bit bigger, and nights will be warmer, the door of the den-house will be opened all the day, thus the cubs will independently go out or rest inside.

How the bear cubs moved to the forest enclosure and what came before it we will tell you later.
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