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October 03, 2021
Neya, Volga and Mezhak were released into nature at the end of September on the territory of the State Nature Reserve "Kologrivsky Les", Kostroma Region.

The way to the Reserve was 1,200 km and took about 17 hours. It was impossible to reach the place of release by our car with a trailer, so the cubs were replaced into a Nature Reserve' car.

And then, the cages were installed, the gates were opened, we held our breath ... The cubs cautiously left the cages: Neya was the first, Mezhak was behind her, the Volga ran out last. Neya and Mezhak ran in the same direction, Volga ran in a slightly different direction. And in few minutes later, three young bears joined and disappeared in the forest.
The release of bear cubs was organized and carried out together with the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Kostroma Region and the State Natural Reserve "Kologrivsky Les".

We thank everyone who took part in the fate of the Volga, Nei and Mezhak!
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