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September 20, 2021
We started "Release season 2021" in the mid September: three brothers – Bantik, Tisha and Ostap became the first young bears who came back to their native region.

The way to the release site in the Kirov region, as they were born in this region, was over 1,500 km. The bears felt good during such long trip.

We released bears on the territory of State Reserve "Bylina". Despite the long way Bantik, Tisha and Ostap immediately disappeared at once when the cages were opened.

The release was organized and carried out together with Ministry of Environmental Protection of Kirov Region and State Reserve "Bylina".

We are grateful to all compassionate people for the support – together with you, we helped Bantik, Tisha and Ostap to become free and to live in the natural habitat!
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