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October 19, 2021
savva and severina came back home!
Savva and Severina, the bears from Karelia, returned to their native home at the end of September. We chose the release place together with specialists from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Republic of Karelia - the brother and sister were released on the territory of the Tolvoyarvi State Reserve.

Our way to the release place was about a thousand kilometers. The young bears fell good during the trip, although the last few ours already directly through the territory of the Reserve made us a little shaken.

And the bears did not immediately run out after the transport cages were opened. Savva was the first to leave the cage, in few minutes Severina joined him, and the brother and sister disappeared into the forest.
After the release, the cubs could spend some time together, perhaps they will hibernate in the same den, and after wintering, they can stay together. However, in time, each of them will begin their own independent life, because a brown bear in nature lives alone.

We thank the specialists of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Republic of Karelia, the Regional Directorate of Specially Protected Natural Areas of Karelia, the leadership of the Tolvoyarvi State Wildlife Refuge of regional significance and everyone who took part in the fate of Savva and Severina!
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