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February 11, 2020
Ninth orphan bear cub: Now from the Pskov region
Bkack - the ninth orphan bear cub
On February 9 we received information from the state district inspector of the Pskov region that while logging a tractor driver saw a bear female, running away from the den. He immediately came to the den, in which he found one bear cub.

As it should be in such situations, the tractor driver contacted the district state inspector and informed about the incident. Fortunately, it turned out that we know this inspector since last year, when he transferred Chook, Geck and Gerda to the Center for Rehabilitation and he knows how to act correctly in such situations - immediately pick up the bear cub from the den and keep him in warm. Due to the correct and immediate actions, people saved the baby from death.
On February 10 after completing all the documents necessary for the transfer and transportation of the bear cub to the Center, we went home with our ninth baby bear.

According to the results of the examination, the health of the bear is satisfactory, he is a male, weight - 2400. The eyes are still closed, but they will open in a few days, and it means he is about one month old. The bear cub was named Black - he is the darkest among the other cubs.
Black eats not very good, but eats, and it is a good sign. We will monitor his condition and hope that Black has not received hypothermia and there will be no health problems.

Black has already met the other eight cubs, with whom he communicates while walking after feeding. But "quiet hour" he spends in company with Vesta and Veny, cubs from the Vologda region
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