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February 06, 2020
Moisey, Novgorod Teddy Bear
Moisey is the smallest teddy bear among the other seven bear cubs
Moisey eats well, grows and gains weight. Fortunately, we do not see any signs of illness during the week of his stay in the Center. Based on our experience, we can say that the possibility of developing the disease is minimal!

After each feeding and the necessary hygiene procedures, Moisey spends some time with the rest of the cubs. During sleeping, the cubs are kept in pairs: for cubs it is calmer and warmer. Moisey united with Masha from the Leningrad region.
I The presented video was shot a couple of days after Moisey came to us. Since then, he has grown up, but still remains the smallest teddy bear among the remaining seven bear babies.
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