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February 05, 2020
Little Bear Masha from the leningrad region - everything is fine with the baby bear
Masha is very active
and is gaining weight!
The health status of Masha, a teddy bear from Gatchina (the Leningrad region), is satisfactory. After feeding the cubs spend some time together. Masha "walks" in company with Dasha, Danya and Moisey, among whom she is the largest teddy bear. During sleeping, the cubs are kept in pairs. Masha was joined with Moises: for the cubs, it's both calmer and warmer.
Initially, Masha came to the director of the Sirin Wildlife Rehabilitation and Reintroduction Center in St. Petersburg Ksenia Mikhailova, who took care of Masha for several days and monitored her health. After completing all the documents necessary for transportation and transfer of the bear cub to the Center, Ksenia brought Masha to us.
We are grateful to Ksenia, the director of the Sirin Wildlife Rehabilitation and Reintroduction Center in St. Petersburg, for taking care of the teddy bear and for delivering Masha to the Center. The way from St. Petersburg to our village is very difficult, and, given the necessity for regular stops to feed the bear cub, it is also very long
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