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April 21, 2020
nelushka - one more arrival
One more orphaned bear cub - totally 17
According to the Novgorod Region Committee for Hunting and Fisheries a bear cub was found in early April in the Novgorod district. Due to the threat of death of the animal, that was left without a mother at so young age, the Committee decided to catch the cub, and he was brought to our Center.
We named the female bear cub Nelushka - the name of the village in the Novgorod region. She weighs only 4 kg, but she has a very good appetite. Some time after admission, we joined Nelushka with the cubs from the Kirov region - Lala, Lyoha and Mirnyi. At this age, the cubs are not very willing to accept newcomers, but, fortunately, the "meeting" was successful - the cubs are already playing together, climbing the simulator, or sleeping next to each other. In the nearest future Nelushka and the Kirov cubs will be joined with the rest of the cubs.
Many thanks to the Novgorod Region Committee for Hunting and Fisheries for transporting Nelushka to the Center.

Remind you, that at the end of January we received three cubs from the Novgorod region: Danya, Dasha and Moisey. In the autumn, when the cubs will be ready for independent survival in the nature, they will be returned to the forests of their native Novgorod region.

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