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April 13, 2020
Three bear cubs from the Kirov region: lyokcha, lala and mirnyi
The bear cbus spent more than 2 days alone in the den: people did not pick up the cubs, hoping that the female bear would com back...
Kirov region is in about 1,500 km from our village. But despite the situation with the coronavirus and the very long way, we decided to risk to drive and pick up 3 small orphaned bear cubs.
We were afraid that the borders of the regions (and we need to cross at list 6 regions of our country) could be closed, but the most important was to pick up the cubs and to give them a chance to survive and at autumn to be released into the natural habitats.
Fortunately our trip turned to be successful: we delivered cubs to OBRC, however the way there and back home took us 3.200 km and 63 hours with small stops for the rest.
2 brothers and a sister: Lyoha, Lala and Mirnyi (peaceful),– Lyoha and Lala were named after the names of the rivers (Lyokhta and Lala), Mirnyi - by the name of a large village in the Kirov region. Lyoa and Lala have large white collars: the one with a bigger collar - Lala, with a smaller one - Lyoha, Mirnyi has two small white spots. The cubs are very small, Lyoha weighs 2,300 kg, Lala - 2,560 kg, and Mirnyi - 2,120 kg. We feed them with small portions of milk porridge with the egg yolk and vitamins. We hope that their weight will begin to grow and the cubs will soon catch up the rest cubs in their physical development.
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