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Martch 24, 2020
who is who? part 1.
All the bear cubs differ from each other significantly.
All the members of our Furry Team-2020 differ significantly from each other: by sizes, by color of the fur, by eyes, even by the color of their noses and claws! White spots, of course, are one of the main differences of the cubs. Thanks to them it is possible do not confuse, for example, Danya with a big white collar and tummy with Karel, who has dark fur and two small spots on his neck; Moisey with very light fur and dark "glasses" around his eyes with Black - a very dark bear cub with large white spots; Pskovushka (currently the largest bear cub with light fur) with Kuzya or Karel, who have very bright noses!
But some cubs, when their spots are not visible, even we can not distinguish from each other, and what about you?
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