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April 04, 2020
who is who? part 2.
All the bear cubs differ from each other significantly.
Did you manage to guess any cubs in the previous video "Who is Who"?
The first was Venya and Pskovushka, then the babies Moisey (on the diaper) and Kuzya (light nose), Masha, Baloo and the last one - again Pskovushka.
Are you ready for the next level?
After feeding, the cubs spend time with each other in the "playing zone". At this video, all the differences of bear cubs are clearly visible. As well, it is possible to note the behavior of every cub - someone calmly is playing alone, someone is playing with the same one "partner", and someone is actively looking for a partner for games. Someone is playing peacefully, someone is quarrelling, someone is trying to sleep after a delicious dinner.

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