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May 03, 2022
Wild Narute Hospital' specialists visited orphan bear cubs
At the end of April, a routine veterinary examination of all cubs was implemented. The result showed that the physical condition and development of 12 baby bears is satisfactory and corresponds to their age. Also, during the inspection, the cubs were vaccinated and microchipped.

The bear cubs, of course, did not welcomed the examination with enthusiasm - the little bears tried to escape by any way from the hands and not let themselves be examined. But, everything went well, however, as always.
After the examintion, dinner was "served", and the cubs eat it with great pleasure and went to a "rest bear hour" - they are bears, but they are still very small bears and need sleep, like all babies.

Vesnushkin is being kept separately and is being treated under the supervision of specialists from the Wild Nature Hospital. He has a good appetite, the baby bear is active and cheerful, despite his injuries.

We continue to treat him, believe and hope...
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