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April 27, 2022
April 22 another baby bear was delivered to OBRC: people heard the cries of a bear cub and saw a female bear. People immediately left this place as it should be done in such a situation, because female with cubs is a serious danger to human life. A day later, people returned and heard already weaker cries from the same place. Realizing that the bear cub was in trouble, they followed the sound and found a bear cub stuck between the branches of a tree. Probably female bear "pulled" him, trying to free, thereby making the situation even worse - the bear cub got stuck so hard that two men could hardly get him. Moreover, there were found wounds on his body, most likely from the mother-bear, who tried to save him.
On visual examination, it was obvious that his left front paw was injured, on which he was hung for about two days. The bear cub was examined under anesthesia by specialists from the Wildlife Nature Hospital. X-ray diagnostics did not reveal damage of the bones. But, unfortunately, the examination confirmed a serious problem - as a result of the injury, the bear cub does not feel its paw. We started symptomatic treatment. The chance that the sensitivity of the paw will return is quite small.

We named the bear cub - Vesnushkin, a derivative of "spring" - the time when everything comes to life, blooms, grows ... we really hope that the baby bear will recover, despite the sad prognosis...
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