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April 02, 2022
On March 29, we delivered two more bear cubs: again from the Vologda region and again two brothers. The cubs were handed over to us by the Department for the Protection, Control and Regulation of the Use of Wildlife Objects of the Vologda Region, according to which: "The cubs were found on March 25th. Timber industry workers saw a running bear while clearing the plot. Following the footsteps, they found a den in which they found two helpless bear cubs.

Fortunately, people immediately took the cubs away, not leaving them to die! Let us remind you that if a bear is scared away from the den, he will not come back, even if it is a mother-bear and there were bear cubs left in the den. Only in the spring when the bear family left the den, when the animals have already imprinted on each other (imprinting), the mother-bear will protect her bear cubs from any danger, and they will follow her.
The new cubs are very thin and very tiny... They weigh only 2.9 kg, while Choock and Geck weigh 5.5 kg each, Shima almost 6 kg, and Nord is even more than 7 kg!

The small bears eat quietly and, what is very important, they are quite active and playful! Let's hope that they did not get serious hypothermia in the den and in the near future they will catch up with their relatives in development. Well, we will constantly monitor their condition so that, if necessary, promptly begin treatment ...
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