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May 01, 2022
Bear cubs this year differ significantly from each other in size, weight and physical development. This may depend on the difference in the timing of their birth, and on the "experience" of the mother bear or the level of her fatness, and on the individual physiology of the animals, etc. In addition to keep 12 bear cubs together is rather difficult and unwilling. Therefore, we decided to divide them into two groups: "Seniour" and "Juniour".
Senior group: Choock and Geck, Nord and Shima, Dasha, Mishutka and Matroskin. In the Junior group were placed: Medocck and Sakharok, Umka, Nestor-Pol' and Lodeyushka Gordeevna. All bear cubs get well with their "groupmates" and, given their similar size, the chances of the cubs injuring each other during play is quite low.
Bear cub Vesnushkin is kept separately and is being treated under the supervision of veterinarians from the Wildlife Nature Hospital.
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