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Orphan Bear Rescue Centre
OBRC rescues and rehabilitates orphaned brown bear cubs. New-born bear cubs can not survive on their own as they are tiny and helpless, weighing only about 500 grams. They need a lot of special care. Our work is to save and rehabilitate them and give the bear cubs the best chance of survival in the wild.
The Rescue Centre cares for the brown bears that are left without a mother. We help the cubs survive and prepare for release back into the forest.
For 27 years of work we have saved, raised and returned to the wild 277 cubs.
Our bears live in the forests of 19 regions of Russia, including Bryansk forests, where the population of bears was on the verge of extinction.
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You can now make donations using the CloudPayments service. Please note that you can set up a monthly donation by checking the "Donate monthly" box of the donation form.

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