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May 03, 2020
The Younger group: the first steps outside!
Karel and Kuzya, Dasha, Black and Moisey - the first steps into the forest
Very soon after the cubs from the Senior group, the cubs from the Younger group – Kuzya, Karel, Moisei, Dasha and Black - also came out from the den-house into the forest.
At first, till the nights will not become warm, the bear cubs will be independently walking during the day and feeding on the food that is normally consumed by their wild counterparts, explore the surrounding forest areas, and hide in the den-house in the periods of inclement weather or for sleeping after the lunch. But every evening we will close the doors of the den-house.
But in time, when the baby bears will become a little bit bigger, and nights will be warmer, the doors of the den-house will be opened all the day, thus the cubs will independently go out or rest inside.
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