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Martch 04, 2020
BALOO, BONYA AND BUYAN: triplets from the Leningrad Region
Baloo, Bonya and Buyan - such names were chosen during the voting among the local citizens organized by the government of the Leningrad region
Three cubs from one family, three brothers, and so different they are! Baloo, Bonya and Buyan are about two months old, but already now we can see how they differ from each other both in appearance and in character.

Baloo is the darkest bear cub. He has two big spots on his neck, and one spot on his chest. From the first minutes, this cub showed his playful character - he is interested in everyone and everything, that surrounds him. He is permanently busy with something. Baloo without any problems can find an object to play with and can play alone for a while. And, of course, Baloo will not lose the chance to play with the other bear cubs!

Bonya is the lightest cub among three brothers, he has a neat white collar around his neck, converging on his chest. Bonya, like Pskovushka, has light hair on his head with dark ears and a zone of "glasses". This cub is rather a contemplator - he can sit quietly at one place for a long time, looking around the world. But he can also play with something of someone, as well as Baloo.

Buyan is a bear cub with two small white spots on his neck and a very small spot in the ear. Among the brothers, he is the most moody. Even when everyone was fed, was given a massage, and in fact no reasons for bad moods, Buyan will whine. But for now, these are only assumptions based on observations of cubs in just 2 days. It is possible that the cause of the bad mood is cutting teeth. The time will show!
Baloo, Buyan and Bonya get used to the new taste of milk, so not every time they eat well. But there is no reasons for concern, getting used to a new taste can take some time, and this is normal. In addition the cubs have their teeth cut, and it can be also the reason of whine.

Three brothers, like the other 10 cubs, learn to take their first steps - how difficult they are. Just 10 minutes of walking and then sleeping. However, watch by yourself!
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