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May 19, 2020
The younger group is walking
So many new and unknown things could be found in the spacious forest enclosure.
The bear cubs are growing like the mushrooms after the rain. And their curiosity is also increasing, as so many new and unknown things could be found in the spacious forest enclosure. The mini-bears are a little bit afraid, but very interested in surrounding world. Till now the cubs are very cautious, prefer to stay together as a one group, and if they hear unknown sounds the cubs run to their Den-house to hide.

Very soon the baby bears will explore the whole enclosure territory and will reach the stone stream, where they could play arranging "spa-mud" procedures and to drink water in the hot summer days.

The Younger Group of The Baby Bear Team-2020 only start to get used the new territory and to study the complicated skills of independent survival in the wild. How they are managing – watch by yourself!

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