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Martch 02, 2020
THREe brothers from
the leningrad region
Now there are 13 orphan bear cubs under the care of OBRC
The cubs became orphaned due to logging carried out near the den in the Boksitogorsky district of the Leningrad region. Foresters saw the bear running away, and after a while they heard the squeaks of cubs and found the den. There were three cubs in the winter bear shelter. Hoping that the female bear will return after some time to the cubs, people left the den.

Foresters reported the incident to the Committee for the Protection, Control and Regulation of the Use of Fauna in the Leningrad Region. The Committee sent the state inspector to the place: after several hours the bear did not return, the cubs remained in the den alone. The state inspector took the orphans and promptly delivered to the warm. Representatives of the Committee and the Veterinary Administration of the Leningrad Region contacted us, prepared all the documents and on Friday February 28 delivered the cubs to the Center.
We examined the cubs, these are three brothers, their condition is satisfactory, well-fed cubs weigh about 3 kg (2.8, 3.0 and 3.1 kg). Brothers have bad appetite, sometimes completely refusing the milk. But while there is no cause for concern, getting used to a new taste can take some time, and this is normal. In addition, the cubs have their teeth cut, and this, like in children, can also be the reason of moods.

We will describe the cubs more detail and announce their names in the next news!
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